A young teenage girl wrote to me recently and asked, "What exactly does it mean to fall in love with God? Do you get a tingly feeling like you would when you fall in love with a guy?" I was impressed with her question. While many young girls her age are more interested in fashion and being a part of the "in" crowd, this young girl wanted a better understanding of her relationship with God. Following is what I answered her:
I suppose people react differently when they fall in love depending on their personalities. Some may cry when they're told they are loved. Others feel a deep certainty that there will never be anyone as special as this person, while others giggle and become effusive with joy. There are all sorts of emotions. However, falling in love must go hand-in-hand with commitment. You can love someone emotionally and then fall out of love with them emotionally on a trying day or week or year. Emotions come and go. Commitment is forever. You choose to stay in love. You choose to be faithful. You choose to look for ways to keep falling in love with this person again and again. That's what true love.
It's similar with God. There are times when I'm so emotionally in love with God that I just weep. Other times I'm overwhelmed by His love for me and I find myself joyfully laughing. Yet most of the time I just feel a deep contentment in knowing that He is with me. I feel secure in His love. But I must also be committed to love Him. There are times in our lives when we are distracted by life and we may even begin to question our faith. It's those times we must decide to stay committed and faithful no matter what we feel at the moment. Feelings can be wonderful. Emotions can be great. But feelings and emotions are changeable. We must be committed and faithful to God no matter what we feel at the moment.
Tags: Women, Religion, Teenagers, Christianity